The Audacity of Some People™

History records..
Those people who, (audaciously), changed the world for the better (or for the worse), through their inventions and intentions.

We have all the power of free will.
There is a 'protected' global establishment, who are seeking world control of every person and every system.

We must communicate the truth to each other.
We are stronger when we are informed and united together.
When we all know the truth, we can hold greater ambitions.
Trumped Up

 Get Involved

UK Events
US Events
EU Events

Upcoming demonstrations organized by citizen journalists, who patriotically love the sovereign country that they live in.

Across the west, the center popular right are campaigning and hoping for certain radical political change.

Finally Some Truth

Globalism. It's here, it's real and it's happening right now.
Globalism isn't just a political agenda. It is a coordinated effort by powerful elites, these unelected bureaucrats who believe they know better than sovereign nations.

There is a war on for your mind.

There is a global effort to control public perception and information.

  • We must resist manipulation by powerful elites, governments and media.
  • It is about centralizing control, taking away the rights of everyday people, stripping away our freedoms, and consolidating power in the hands of a few globalist technocrats, who don't care about your family, your community or your country.
  • Their goal is to create a one-world government, a system where your individual rights, your national sovereignty, mean nothing. They, the globalists, want to keep you dependent, distracted and most importantly, controlled.
  • To push this agenda, they tell you it's all in the name of "progress" or "sustainability", but behind the curtain, they are erasing borders, controlling economies and controlling every aspect of your life.

They use institutions like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and other shadowy organizations.

These are the same elites, who think they should dictate how you live, while they sit in their ivory towers, completely disconnected from the reality of the majority.

Look at how they use crises, whether it's "pandemics", financial collapses or climate change. These events are either manipulated or manufactured, to justify more control, more surveillance, more restrictions and more centralized governance.

And the media? They are a part of the globalists' apparatus. They normalize this agenda, downplaying the truth, calling you a conspiracy theorist if you dare to question their narrative.

This is a battle for our freedom. The fight against globalism isn't just political. We need to wake up, take action, and expose this tyranny, before it is too late. That is what is really happening. It is time to stand up. Resist the globalists.

Whistleblowers Central

Peiter Zatko

Twitter Inc Executive - Security - Whistleblower

Cyber Threat Intelligence League

The Weaponization of the Government

Kyle Seraphin

FBI Special Agent - Corruption - Whistleblower

William Binney

NSA Tech Director - Surveillance - Whistleblower

Dr Robert Redfield

CDC Director - Covid19 - Whistleblower

Jim Jordan

3 FBI Agents - Government Weaponization

Edward Snowden

Citizen Four

Necessary Questions

How corrupt is my government?
Have the WEF 'penetrated' YOUR government?
Do we want permanent divide & rule?
Do we want a social credit score system?
Can legacy Media clean up their programming model?
Time to make Social Media corporations agency regulated?
Do you trust the 'facts' given from a (teleprompt delivered) manufactured script?
Google. What are you doing to ensure you are not being too market greedy?

Finally Media®®

Professional, social and viral videos.®®

There is a war on for your mind.®®

Big Tent Social Media.®®

Putting creators first to express.®®

A place for independent writing.®®

Mainstream News Without Bias.®®

Free Speech. Independent Thought.®®

Free speech and flow of information.

Famous Quotes

Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson

"Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant."

Mark Twain

Mark Twain

"When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends."



"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow."

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."

X Widget


If you are reading this and you love your Country, and you respect every human beings right to Freedom?
Then spend some time with us all here at FTT and keep reading on. We ARE the alternative media. You ARE the resistance!

Sovereignty, Democracy & Freedom

"I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees." Emiliano Zapata

  • Sovereignty is the supreme and independent power of authority of governance of the community as possessed or claimed by that community.
  • Democracy is a form of government in which the common people hold political power and can rule either directly or through elected representatives.
  • Freedom is a condition in which people have the opportunity to speak, act and pursue happiness without unnecessary external restrictions.

Increasing Public Awareness & A Growing Intolerance

Communities ARE waking up to the threats on their lives and they ARE pushing back against over-extending governments and the dark (once-secret) global collusion and control agenda's.

The good news is that we now live in a digital world and therefore transparency and accountability is much more possible and accessible. Whistleblowers and investigative reporters are exposing the tyranny every day.

We get 'behind the curtain' on the big issues, so you can understand the threats.

Stand Up Together


Learn your political government. Understand their motivations. Instate leaders who come from the world you live in and learn how to preserve the future for our children.


Legally protect your rights & your freedoms. Peacefully protest and demonstrate your intolerance to overreaching desires to overly control your life.


The so-called elites are not superior; nor are they entitled to anymore say over your life than you are. Seek and prosecute all of the tyrannical power hungry communists.


Is the BBC or CNN, or any of the western mainstream news outlets, actually reporting the facts accurately and fairly, without omissions of importance?


Utilize FOI (Freedom of Information) request systems. Find out who is taking liberties and publicly denounce them everywhere.


Prosecute ministerial negligence, financial loss, opportunity loss and abuse. Ensure courts seek to protect the people first.


Conspiracy theorize! Government cannot be trusted. If you think your "party of choice" is looking out for you and your family first, then think again.


Get off legacy media, get online and out and about and start ingesting REAL TRUTHS.
The answer to 1984 is 1776 Worldwide!